July 4th

I love being an American. If i wanted to i could get in my car and drive from Maryland to California with out ever having to show some one my papers. If i dislike what my government is doing i can start a protest,send a letter to my congressman, or just vent my spleen online and there are no people who will send me to room 101 to make me disappear. Being an American means that I am free.

I know that the country that I love is far from perfect. We still have a problem with racial tensions. We as a country are still coming to grips with the fact that not all people have the same rights. There are grown adults in love that do not have the right to marry. That means that just because they are the same sex they do not have the right to protect their loved ones with the weight of law that comes with marriage. One of the biggest problems we face is that in a secular country the different religions that we as the citizens believe in clash with each other and the people that don’t have a religions. With so many different thoughts on right and wrong they clash and with that clash we have hate being spewed back and forth at each other that our respective gods would be ashamed of.

Even with all of the strife that we have in this beloved country I would not live anywhere else. Our ancestors that started the revolution that gave us this country wanted their voices heard so that they might live freely with out a Tyrant to rule them. They had to fight off a King and his troops. They had to risk their lives, their homes, and their freedom just so they might live as free men. The legacy that they leave behind for us is that we have freedom that many in other countries could only dream for. I ask you all as you go about your day today with friends and family before this day is over take a minute and be grateful for those freedoms. Say a thank you to the soldiers who fight for our continued freedoms. Enjoy your freedoms and always let your voice be heard.

~ by treyrificus on July 4, 2010.

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